April 30, 2020
Psalms 106:21 They forgat God their saviour, which had done great things in Egypt;
We just finished a tremendous meeting with Dr. Mike Bagwell. He did a marvelous job preaching in Leviticus.
When I read our verse this morning I immediately related to it. We are prone to forget the Blessings of the Lord on us. Israel did it, modern day Christians do it. We forget, or turn away from Him after He has done so much for us. I think of the words of the old hymn Come Thou Fount “Prone to wander Lord I feel it prone to leave the God I love.” It is, sadly, so true.
How do we stop the wandering? I believe we must do privately what we should do publicly or when we are in Church. We must worship. All alone, before God, worship. Give him the glory He deserves. The key is getting alone with the Lord every day. Invest time with Him. Dive into His Word, meditate on it, and let it sink into your soul. Then praise Him with your lips and with your life. With your lips in singing, testifying, and witnessing. With your lives in acts of worship such as giving and serving.
Another way is obedience in all things. When we sin (disobedience) it always makes it easier to sin again. Be Obedient. Mary, the mother of Jesus said to the servants at the wedding in Canaan “Whatsoever he saith unto you do it.” That is great advice.
With your mind focused on our Saviour, you will stay home at the Father’s House.
Be Blessed,
Bro. Dewayne